The M.J. “Dolly” Cooper Veterans Cemetery, located on 57 acres, opened in December 2007. As of 30 June 2017, 2,722 Veterans, spouses and dependents, have been buried with another 5,718 registered (pre-certified) with the cemetery for burials in the future. “Pre-certified” means the cemetery has determined eligibility after receiving, reviewing and keeping on file copies of a veteran’s DD-214 or discharge document and marriage certificate so when a need arises, scheduling a burial can be done without delay.
Eligibility requirements are listed below on this page. For the Pre-Certification Form click the link on the right of the page.
The State of South Carolina through the National Cemetery Administration State Cemetery Grant Program received a grant to build and initially equip this cemetery. Upon completion, operating and maintaining the cemetery was turned over to the State of South Carolina, as part of the South Carolina Department of Veterans' Affairs.
Phase I of cemetery construction consisted of 20 acres with an administration office building, a Committal Shelter, Flag Plaza, memorial Walk, four Columbarium Walls, maintenance bays and building with approximately 27 acres designated for more than 16,000 burials or cremation interments. Phase II, which began in March 2013 and was completed in mid-2014, provided an expansion of Areas I and J, an irrigation system, landscaping, and supporting infrastructure, and the placement of 1,997 pre-placed crypts.
The Carillon, made possible by donations from Veterans, the Veterans’ Trust Fund of South Carolina, and the Anderson County Veterans Association, was dedicated 17 December 2016.
It is the policy of cemetery administration to assist every Veteran and her/his family in any way that we can to include verifying service records, determining eligibility, helping obtain service records from the National Personnel Records Center and providing names and phone numbers of other Veteran agencies who provide other services (health, death benefits, etc.). The cemetery office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is closed on federal and state holidays. The cemetery is open seven days a week year-round. During Eastern Standard Time, the hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and are 8:30 a.m. to dusk during Daylight Saving Time. We encourage personal visits to the cemetery.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Veteran must have an honorable discharge from the Armed Forces and provide a copy of the DD-214 or Military Discharge showing character of discharge and dates of active service.
The Veteran must have been a resident of South Carolina:
• when the Veteran entered the Armed Forces; or
• when the Veteran or eligible family member, died; or
• for five years, unless for a reason that the South Carolina Division of Veterans’ Affairs finds compelling, and South Carolina Division of Veterans’ Affairs waives the time period.
- Yes, qualified spouses may be interred in the same burial plot. To qualify a spouse, a copy of the marriage certificate must be provided.
- Yes, unmarried, dependent children under the age of 21 or adult children who are mentally or physically incapable of self-support may be eligible for burial.
There is no cost for the plot, grave liner, permanent marker, or the opening and closing of the gravesite for the Veteran; however, there is a $300 fee for the spouse and for each child. Contact the cemetery for more information about a dependent child’s eligibility.
• Grave space
• Grave opening and closing
• Grave liner
• Grave marker
• Perpetual care
• Columbarium for cremated remains
• Scattering garden for cremations
• In-ground garden for cremations
Yes, if desired. Requests for honors are normally made through the funeral director who will forward the request to M.J. “Dolly” Cooper Veterans Cemetery personnel for coordinating.
No. Graves are assigned as needed. The only time a grave is reserved is in the case of two Veterans married to each other. However, you are strongly encouraged to pre-certify if you desire burial in the M.J. “Dolly” Cooper Veterans Cemetery. Cemetery personnel will mail you an application form at your request.
No. All permanent markers are considered National Monuments and in order to maintain uniformity, upright granite markers are provided by the cemetery.
Only if your spouse is also an eligible Veteran; otherwise, the Veteran and spouse are interred in the same burial plot.