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2023 Military Enhancement Fund grant recipients

The 2023 grant recipients of the Military Enhancement Fund have been announced. Over $14.5 million has been awarded to entities across South Carolina. The following entities have received funding:

  • $5,428,860 to Town of Port Royal for placement of oyster reefs along the coast of Parris Island to mitigate the effects of erosion and storm surge. 
  • $4,277,900 to City of Sumter for the revitalization and construction of barn/support facilities that will complement the Shaw Sumter Welcome Center.
  • $3,257,265 to Sumter County to enhance current and future electric resiliency and efficiency benefiting Shaw Air Force Base and the neighboring rural communities.
  • $1,145466 to Richland County for completion of the Centennial Park project on Fort Jackson.
  • $432,139 to Richland County to fund modular temporary housing units for dedicated firefighters at McEntire Joint National Guard Base during the renovation of their firehouse.

The deadline for the next round of grant applications is March 1, 2024.  Please go to for more information.