Columbia, SC - The 15th annual Fort Jackson National Cemetery Wreaths Across America Ceremony will take place on December 14, 2024 at 12:00pm.
The community is encouraged to help by sponsoring a wreath and joining to Remember and Honor our Veterans by placing Memorial Wreaths on the graves of our country’s fallen heroes and saying their name aloud. Participants do not have to volunteer to attend the ceremony or place wreaths. Everyone is welcome and will have the opportunity to place wreaths!
Wreaths Across America Fort Jackson held its annual state house remembrance ceremony on Monday, December 9th at the SC State House Veterans Memorial. Watch the recap HERE.
At the ceremony Carol Davis, Wreaths Across America Coordinator for South Carolina shared that approximately 13,000 wreaths will be placed on graves of military Veterans at the Fort Jackson National Cemetery on Wreaths Across America Day (December 14, 2024) to honor those who served. Wreaths will also be placed on graves of Veterans at the M.J. Dolly Cooper Veterans Cemetery in Anderson, SC on the same day.
Wreaths Across America Fort Jackson emphasizes the importance of keeping this tradition going by sharing "You may not know this, but… A Veteran Dies Twice… First when they draw their last breath… and Again, when their name is spoken for the last time." December is proclaimed Wreaths Across America Month in the Palmetto State, so all families are welcome come and help keep the spirits of our fallen heroes alive.
For more information or to learn how you can get involved in this effort visit the Fort Jackson National Cemetery’s Wreaths Across America Web Page HERE.